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Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

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Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

Post by Beaj »

Hello..Just a quick note to let you know the Avatar space has been improved to a little larger size so if you would like to make your avatar a little larger now have a bit more space.The extra space will make it easier to use..Enjoy and Thanks to the Admin.. THU{}
" A laugh is a smile that bursts"

Re: Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

Post by mkjt »

Thanks for the increase space for the avatars.
My avatar looks a lot better being a bit larger.
Thanks to the Admin. %%@$)
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Re: Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

Post by Cariad837 »

Thanks, I'll give Ryan the headache of resizing mine, he had the fun of making it tiny enough to start with... I'm sure he'll thank me Gi{{
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Re: Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

Post by Jackie »

OK Beaj, mine is changed! Big thank you to the administrator!.. (*) %%@$)
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Re: Avatar space has been slightly enlarged.

Post by Beaj »

Looks Great ladies..The size increase makes them easier to see..I resized mine as well @};-
" A laugh is a smile that bursts"
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