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WELCOME all new members to this web site.
We wil lwork hard to see that this is a friendly and fun place for all!
Please take the time to 'Register', then login and were off to the races

Moderators: Beaj, Birthe, Louison

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Post by Beaj »

Here are a few guidelines which I'm adding for Posting on this forum.
1) As this is a public is not a good idea to include any of your personal information.
Please do not include your e-mail address...Use the PM in your profile or use the link there for your e-mail.

2) Please read and be familiar with all the Copyright Rules.
Posting a picture of a chart is not allowed and is a copyright issue.
We need to abide by the copyright rules so all our designers can continue to design and make a living.
When sharing images to the gallery, please make sure you own the right to the pictures or that you have the owner's permission to share.

3) For new members - If you have a specific request or question, please post it only once and find the thread section that it fits closest to.
We will try our best to answer and help you out whenever we can.

4) Members are asked to post at least once per month or they may be deactivated. If this happens please re-register.

5) Please remember to always be courteous when posting or replying, including when using private messaging. Being rude or aggressive towards other members or staff will result in a warning at the discretion of Admin staff.

6) No foul Language

7) No advertising or any kind (without approval)

8) No posting copyright materials without consent.

9) No exchanging photocopy materials from magazines.

10) No asking for or sending or e-mailing to anyone any patterns.
" A laugh is a smile that bursts"
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Re: Guidelines

Post by Louison »

I translate this guideline for the French members.
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Re: Guidelines

Post by Jackie »

Thank you and Merci, Beaj and Louison! ;;}(
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